This is the phrase, the brand, the message, the campaign, that will solve the productivity puzzle and bring wealth to all working people just like Keir Starmer promised in the UK 2024 election campaign 🤩
I first came across an article on this subject in 2022 and immediately tweeted about it...
...and indeed this is still the pinned tweet at the top of my profile to this day. I've been following Gary Stevenson @garyseconomics for even longer, and in my view he is a genius and a wonderful figurehead for urgently needed taxes on the extreme wealth of the super-rich - however this call for wealth tax is in my view just one of two key things we need, the other being a simple reform to the concept of corporate ownership itself 🍀
On the one hand, this might seem like a hard sell to some people, the kind who feel that private property is utterly sacrosanct at all costs (who sometimes just so happen to be those served very well thank-you-very-much by what modern capitalism has turned into) - but on the other hand, it could actually be personified in the form of a fairly straightforward quick-win piece of legislation 🤞🏻
If any employee of any company has worked there for a given amount of time, they quite simply should have a LEGAL RIGHT to own a share of that company 💰
This could be a straightforward right of citizenship and employment, which would turn labour into wealth ownership rights by law - and it would surely thus have a huge positive impact on employee motivation and empowerment, as well as wealth creation for ordinary people everywhere 😊
It is the future - join the movement - Universal Basic Ownership ✊🏻